Hello Friends,
First off, I’d like to thank you guys for your hard work. I know it can’t be easy controlling our climate from behind the scenes—a truly thankless job, but one that certainly needs doing.
That being said, I do have a few issues I would like to discuss.
The first is the snowstorm we had April 27th. You may not know this, but traditionally April is a time of warming temperatures and the re-birth of local plant and animal life. What was incredibly confusing was that it proceeded a couple of 70-degree days.
The second issue is regarding that tornado we had back in December. Was that necessary? The community was hunkered down, just trying to survive the winter mentally, and you decide it’s a good time for a destructive force of nature? It feels like you kicked us while we were down, and it hurt.
My final issue is more of a request: Can we maybe see the sun for a little bit? Preferably soon? Don’t get me wrong; I love a cloudy and cold day as much as anyone else. It’s just that my son asked me if the Sun went to go live with Grandma yesterday (we told him that’s where our recently-deceased dog went). That wasn’t a good feeling, so I’m hoping we can at least get a few rays to cheer everybody up.
Thank you again for your work, and we all look forward to seeing what you have in store for this summer!
Warm Regards,
A Cold and Pale Human